This Friday, February 1 kicks off the biggest, most exciting, most ginomous, humungousest, annual sale event for Stampin’ Up! – "Sale-A-Bration"! Also affectionately referred to as "SAB". It’s a huge deal and so fun for demonstrators and customer alike. The promotion runs from February 1st through March 17th.

Here’s the skinny:

  1. For every $50 you spend (before tax and shipping) on anything in the Spring-Summer Collection 2008 catalog OR the Dormant List you may select one (1) item from the Sale-A-Bration mini catalog as your FREE gift! No limit.
  2. If your total personal or workshop order reaches a total of $300 (before tax and shipping), you get another SAB item just for funzies!
  3. If you sign up as a demonstrator during this promotion, in addition to your fabulously dirt-cheap Starter Kit, you may also choose one stamp set out of the regular catalog at ANY value. Yes, you may choose the $47.95 set, which is what I’d do! (Don’t forget that now you can sign up online immediately, no wait, just tell me you are interested and I’ll give you the password to fill out the forms on my website). You complete the online form, you pay and you are instantly given access as a demonstrator. Yes, WOW!

Summary: free stuff, free stuff and more free stuff. Where’s the catch? There is none!

If you do not have a SAB mini, fear not. You can find it on my website beginning on Friday. It won’t be live until then so hold your horses if you want to see it now. Just look for it under some rock in my website. You’ll find it eventually 😉

So, email me today for more details, just to chat or to order: