If you purchased the brand new, hot-off-the-press Spring-Summer 2009 Idea Book & Catalog, you may have noticed that the catalog does not include the project sample recipes and supplies list at the back. Yes, I miss it too but I love having the catalog more beefy with products while the supply list is still easy to access. It's not as easy as it was but it's still easy to reference nonetheless. I put it on a Page in the right column of this blog that will stay there until the catalog expires.

Remember that it's here so you can reference it 24/7 OR download it to your computer and you can even print it! SU added color photos of each individual project right next to the recipes. I love that new feature.

Here is the Recipe List as a text only (no photos) file which is half the size of the next one I'll share: Download US_SS_Stampin_Supplies_text_only

The recipe list is 23 pages (how could that have ever fit in the new catalog in that format with the photos?): Download Stampin_Supplies_Spring Summer Catalog 2009