So sue me for saying it but I never believed Michael Jackson was a child molester. I believed him to be a physically and mentally abused (by his father) brilliant young man and, ultimately, superstar who was continually trying to relive his lost childhood through the love of other children. Innocent, non-sexual, naive and stupidly demonstrated love of children but not the disgusting version that was never proven in court. And this is still a country where someone is innocent until proven guilty, isn't it?  May he rest in peace today and forever for the gifts he shared with me and many others.

This album came out while I was in college and this is how I choose to remember him. It was released November 30, 1982. I had turned 21 just days prior and I was a senior in college. I can so distinctly remember the huge "buzz" about this album. It was groundbreaking and that memory is so vivid. We were glued to the videos as I'd never seen anything like it. Awe-inspiring to say the very least.

And here are the three people in the world most affected by his early departure. God bless each and every one of these precious, father-less children.


He was only 3 years older than me and this is another way I remember him from a lot earlier than my college "Thriller" memories.


In the simple yet poignant words of the Reverend Al Sharpton today, "thank you Michael."

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