We're down to the wire and I'm almost convention bound! Most likely, I'll be on the road by the time you read this. We hope to be pulling out of the driveway at 4 AM Tuesday and pull into the hotel in Salt Lake City about 4 PM (give or take). It's about 650 miles from here to there. The car is loaded for two purposes: convention for me and tent camping in Yellowstone for Doug, Kendall & Michael. It's always amazing how much my car (Honda Odyssey) holds. All we have left are our toiletries bags in the morning and we'll be off! We have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on CD (20 hours) so we have plenty of entertainment for the roundtrip plus Three Cups of Tea (4 hours) if we need a 2nd book.

And we are (almost) off…..
Convention bound