Melanie, from WA, just rejoined my Stampin' Up! stamping family! Melanie had been a demonstrator with me for a while then had to quit for a while. I approached her about rejoining with a reminder of all the bang she could get for her crafting bucks plus the incredible value of the kits on sale that also include a free add-on of any additional set she wants no matter the price. It really didn't take any arm twisting. She knows how great a deal it is and she just rejoined today! When Melanie was officially back in as a demonstrator tonight, she emailed me and made the most ideal and succinct comment about signing back up again:
pre-sale of all the goodies."
Precisely! There are many reasons to want to be a demonstrator and that you discover first-hand once you are one:
- Advance opportunity to buy upcoming product often at an extra discount
- 20% discount 24/7 on all products
- Extra 10% off in addition to our 20% off on Melanie's first order of $150+ within her first 45 days. And, YES, those $150 product orders that we demonstrators buy for ourselves DO generate Sale-A-Bration freebies and hostess benefits. Melanie can choose that extra discount for a customer order or for herself.
- If Melanie were to place a $150 order, it would cost her about $105 but with the freebies added on, that $150 order is worth about $230. $230 value for $105? You do the math! It's better for her to have signed up than to have stayed my customer.You know me, I tend to go on and on but this time I won't. The value speaks for itself and I'm only telling you one sliver of it!
- Melanie rejoins as an Associate (the first title a new demonstrator is given) but as soon as she promotes to Senior Associate (after $1,000 in sales), I will personally award Melanie a $50 Shopping Spree for Stampin' Up! product!
I love what I do and there are plenty of reasons for you to join and I bet you'll love it too!
To sign up with me, right here and now, all it takes is about 15-20 minutes of your time and having payment handy for the kit. To join now, use my password stellarstamps after clicking here then clicking on the Join Now button.
A refresher as to what is in both kits is found by clicking here.
Welcome back Melanie!