In addition to our friends and family, we've had really terrific support of Kendall's (and, earlier, Kirsten's) annual magazine fund-raiser where 40% of sales go back to the school (remember, Kirsten won 1st place twice when she was in high school and went to Hawaii twice as the top seller in her school – they give the Hawaii trip away now as a raffle, boo). We're still going to make an effort for Kendall so she can earn raffle tickets for the Hawaii trip in addition to other weekly prizes but I'm a little handicapped right now so I need help.
With me in my last week of chemo and radiation, I am struggling and I cannot recall who supported Kendall last year. So, I'm sharing the link here for the customers and downline who tell me through the year "be sure to tell me when Kendall's sale is again as I have some renewals, etc…." It's going on now through September 27. First turn-in day is actually Tuesday. She needs 12 and she has 8 right this minute (Monday, dinnertime). I don't expect many to read this now in time but if you are….
There are some great "combo" offers, for example. For $24 I got Cooking Light and All You. That's $1 per issue. Ya can't beat that for inexpensive entertainment! then follow the steps below to link to our school and to Kendall.
To give Kendall full credit, it's important to identify her school AND her. When you log on, the school code is 425010123 (just cut and paste it for ease).
Much later, after you are entering your address and shipping info, it then asks for the QSP ID. Kendall's is MAC2 (no spaces).
Tell a friend. Thank you!!!!!