I am typing this just before 2 AM. Spent 3 1/2 hours in the hotel lobby with demo girlfriends, a few bottles of wine and in our jammies just chatting. Have to get to bed but wanted to post some photos. Hope to post more while waiting for my flight in Vegas. I have to have my luggage out my hotel door by 7 AM so, needless to say, gotta get to bed now!

Today was full of Make N Takes, shopping (just discovered my new fav clothing store – Bohme), lunch out then the most hysterical demo event at a golf course that involved playing games at different golf holes and getting from hole to hole via team golf carts. Ok, gotta toot our team's horn here… there were 17 teams of 6 or 7 demos. Our team of 7 took 1st place in the contest! So proud of my Tea Cozies peeps.

Here's my day in a photo nutshell.

Two of our Make N Take projects using a new set we received as a gift that will be in a future catalog. Hmmm… what a coinky-dinky, there's a tea theme.


Our final night activity at Coral Canyon golf course. One of the contests was to time one of our teammates eating a giant mashmallow. Missy Shipman wolfed that puppy down in 41 seconds!


This station's moderator was Sara Douglass. She asks our team "who wants to represent your team in blind stamping?" I did not say a word yet I hear 6 other voices yelling "Stella! Stella!" So, Sara blindfolded me and I had to make a card with only my team telling me where to move my hands to stamp and to pick up the items I used. No, Missy, I do not know which one is the "blue ribbon" when my eyes are covered, ha, ha!


Sara said I was super fast and here's my masterpiece.

How many CEO's of international companies do you see manning a station at a game on a golf course? Shelli demonstrates how we are to run a relay with a marshmallow on a golf club.


Our team tried to pose for a photo at every hole (we played games at 9 of the course's holes). Our Tea Cozies team included Debbie Moczek, Jan Burnett, Alisha Linn, Missy Shipman, Becky Sutton and Sherri Peters.


Then it was off to dinner with all the demonstrators. Our Tea Cozies team sat together at this gorgeous dinner table.


And these adorable trophies with markers in them were our place settings. This will be the only golf trophy I ever get in my lifetime!


I looked over at a neighboring table and there was my sweet downline, Sarah Wills.


After we left the activity, it was back to the hotel and here's what was waiting for me on my bed. My final pillow gift.


Look at his super cool charm! And see the detail on the tea cup and saucer. Stampin' Up!, you are SO clever and generous!


And so I also had to pack. Chuckle. Why do I always think I'm being soooo smart to bring one suitcase almost empty then always stress while packing as every nook and cranny of the luggage is full? It's a miracle I got it all in. But while packing, I laid out everything that Stampin' Up! gave me this week. Not what I got from Jill Olsen's house but just Stampin' Up! Mama mia… they are crazy generous!


More later… since all this happened before 10 PM and at about 10:30 PM I started texting my demo friends to meet me in the lobby so we could make a dent in the 3 bottle of California wine I brought with me. Yup, that lasted till almost 2 AM. Funny things happened downstairs and I will post more crazy photos of one of us who had us all almost crying with laughter as she deflated a pool raft. Yes, I'm talking about you Patty Chenail.

Stay tuned……..