Carry On

I can now officially breathe again because "Carry On" – Stampin' Up!s coveted hostess set – is BACK… but for how long???!!!


Short version of a likely long story – set became available June 1 and almost immediately (5 days?) it was pulled due to a legal wrangle. I had my order in my cart till the evening of whatever day it was ready to place the order that night and it was literally pulled out of distribution that same day.  I was sooooooo bummed. My dear friend and former upline, Maria, lives in the UK now and sends me a flood of memorabilia and kitsch with that "Keep Calm and Carry On" phrase on it. I am a woman obsessed and likely possessed!


Last week, while in Utah for the Stampin' Up! convention, it was announced that though possibly still in a tug-of-war over the legality of the set they were releasing the set until further notice. In other words, the guy who thinks he has the rights may not have the legal standing to stop its sale and while it's being duked out in the courts (or wherever they duke these things out), we can now offer it in our catalog. As the British say "hip-hip-hooray!"


Crazy side-story: it is SO popular that after those 5 days that it was being shipped to customers (and demonstrators), some who were lucky enough to get it listed it on eBay and it was selling for up to $195! For a stamp set?!


Anyway, it's back but you better get yours FAST "just in case"! The legal fight may not be over. They just don't know.


It's a hostess set and can only be earned with free hostess dollars (in the Stampin' Rewards online area HERE or see page 203 of the 2012-13 annual Catalog. Place a $150 order and its yours!


Order 24/7 HERE or via email to


And for heaven's sake, keep calm and carry on!