Paper Pumpkin logoWhat is Paper Pumpkin? In a tiny nutshell, it's a monthly kit that should take you about 30 minutes and it is typically a set of about 6 cards with envelopes (have you seen how much ONE card costs at Hallmark? Yikes!) but it can be a journal or some other paper-crafted item. All you need to supply is the adhesive. Ordinarily it's $19.95 which includes shipping but RIGHT NOW (and may end any moment) it's $9.97 to try it in June. I call that 2-1/2 Starbucks I can skip to try this instead, wink.

Buy it as a gift???

Sign up NOW and it both bills & ships about June 15.

Be sure to identify me as your demonstrator – Stella MacKay (not McKay) from Carmichael, CA 95608

Want to SEE former kits? Go the joining site and see past kits there.