How would you like to make some extra cash to put towards those holiday bills? You can get your tote and do just that when you join my team during Sale-a-Bration, you can earn a brand new Craft & Carry tote as part of your starter kit! It’s a great new tote that really can hold more than it seems. It helps you to keep all your supplies in one place and right at your fingertips.
When you join my team, you get to do something you love, make money and set your own hours. More than that, you will become a part of my amazing stamping family and make tons of friends instantly.
You can read more about joining my team and check out the start kit flyer here.
It’s always a good time to join Stampin’ Up!, but this tote option makes it an easier decision. Let me know if you have any questions about joining. I know it can seem like a lot, but it’s easier than it seems and more fun than you realize.
Take a look at the video below to see how much the tote can really hold.
It really is a must have for all crafters, so join my team here and get your business started in 2019.