Feb 7, 2020 | Demonstrator Discount Club, Free Shipping, Join |
I very much appreciate your time as I explain how YOU can get about $140 in FREE Stampin’ Up! product through the Demonstrator Discount Club now through March 31 WITH NO STRINGS! Tell a friend. 🙂

Join the Demonstrator Discount Club—this is the biggest Sale-A-Bration offer due to the value of the EXTRA freebies then the subsequent discount you get at least through July 31
(a minimum of up to 6+ months TO TRY IT WITH ZERO OBLIGATION).
Let’s do the math:
- The Starter Kit is $99 + tax and you select anything you want for up to $125.00 ($26 in free product). You could fill your kit with Clearance Rack or cardstock or all stamp sets or whatever YOU want.
- Plus 1 free Paper Pumpkin kit valued at $22 automatically added to your kit. What is Paper Pumpkin? See our whole history of them on our official Pinterest page HERE.
- Plus, add ANY stamp set that we sell (highest priced set is $45)
- Plus, a free Mini Paper Cutter exclusive to this offer AND a sampler of our mini catalog Designer Series Paper also exclusive to this offer (see pages 18-19 of the SAB brochure). The last two items were available for Demonstrators only to purchase just in December and I paid $26.50 for the pair. Shown in image above.
- All the above is about $218.50.
- It all ships FREE and, if you were to place an order of $218.50, shipping would be about $22.
- Adding it all up, you pay $99 + tax for a custom package worth up to $240! $141 in FREE product!
- If you will buy $99 in the next 6 months, THIS is the best bang for your buck. You can order a total of $99+ tax and shipping in my store and get $99 in product OR pay $99+ tax (free shipping) for a Starter Kit and get $240 in product & value. Which would you prefer?
To answer your questions….
More than any other question or comment that I get, by far, is about only wanting to do this to buy for yourself with zero parties or workshops, etc… YES that is great and welcomed! Probably 90%+ of my team is comprised of those who joined SOLELY to get the discount for themselves.
Super key in all this is to emphasize and repeat that there are NO strings, NO risk, and NO parties. And, you have time to scope it out. When you buy the Starter Kit in January, for example, you have all the way through July 31 (6+ months) to check it out as a sort of trial period. The value and timing just doesn’t get any better.
Please refer to my Frequently Asked Questions in the Pages section of my blog at www.StellarStamps.com. I welcome and appreciate questions! StellarStamps@gmail.com
TO JOIN: click on the pink button below or the Join image above or HERE. Welcome!
Mar 16, 2018 | Join, Sale-A-Bration, Shop |
Around this time, for years, Stampin’ Up! has its biggest annual promotion and it is called Sale-A-Bration or SAB. SAB has three parts which, to my ears, sounds like “something for everyone.” It ends March 31. Here are the three parts with a brief description:
- For every $50 in product you put in your shopping cart, you may choose 1 absolutely FREE item out of a specially designed set of products and, just announced, a few regular products out of a current catalog. Some items are earned free with a minimum $100 order. You choose. All you have to do to get something free is make sure you have $50 of product in your cart.
- If you go for the gusto and fill your cart with $250 or more, then you get a bonus $25 in more free product that is 100% your choice. That is a bonus to the host rewards you’d already qualify for. For example, a $250 order earns 10% more free ($25) so when you add the bonus that ends March 31, that’d be $50!
- Instead of being a shopper, the 3rd option is to be a happier shopper by buying the Starter Kit and the 20% product discount that begins after you buy it. The Starter Kit is $99+ tax. It ships FREE. You put $125 (not a penny more) of absolutely anything you want in your cart PLUS, through March 31, you add ANY 2 stamp sets of your choice. Those sets could be to about a $101 value. No risk. No parties. No strings.
To shop, please click on the Shop Now button to the right.
To join, please click on the $99 Kit button to the right.
Please ask questions here or email me at StellarStamps@comcast.net
Mar 16, 2018 | Uncategorized |

I am absolutely thrilled to be blogging again thanks to the genius of husband-wife web designer team Brian and Nicole Watt of Integrant Services. They are so amazingly popular that I was on a 6-month waiting list then I had to postpone while we were doing a bunch of work inside our house (which is winding down this week for now). Brian and Nicole are masters and I highly recommend them for your web design services particularly if you are a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator.
We worked on my new logo design a lot. What does a tree have to do with stamping? Well, not sure but it is a symbol that I have always gravitated towards as a symbol of family, life, growth and stability. It weathers storms and blossoms with leaves when it’s warm. It’s such an amazing image for so many reasons.
“Stella” means star so there’s no getting around integrating some stars here or there. Don’t you love what Nicole did for me for a logo?
I plan to do my best to build a fresh routine of blogging. If you want to take this ride with me, feel free to subscribe (right column) and you’ll know when I’ve posted. I guesstimate that my blog will be over 90% Stampin’ Up! with 10% of life and humanity thrown in. No politics or religion. Just Stampin’ Up! and maybe some snippets of my world.
If you are reading this whether you are a Demonstrator on my team, not on my team, a customer or prospective customer, please know that I love what I do and I vow to share as much as I can to keep us both motivated to just stamp!
Mar 14, 2013 | Uncategorized |
I couldn't have done it without you . . . *
I wanted to share the great news and express my gratitude to you, my loyal Stampin' Up! customers, for receiving this honor. My emails are made with my customers and supporters in mind, so thank you for engaging and interacting with me.
My email awarding me stated "this status is an annual designation that only 10% of our customers achieve … The standards for becoming an All Star this year were tougher than ever, and that you managed to do it for consecutive years is quite an accomplishment." I am honored!
As a bonus, I'm giving you this limited-time offer:
With one week left of our biggest promotion of the year, Sale-A-Bration (till Friday, March 22), I am going to have my first ever Hostess Code Benefits/Freebies raffle.
Place an online order with me of $50 – $149.99 between March 15-22 and you get 1 entry for every $50 ordered but
you MUST use this hostess code PSKZWHHC.{If your order is $150+, and you want your own hostess benefits, do NOT use the code… this order will not qualify for the raffle as you'll already be receiving all the hostess freebies based on your own shopping… if you DO want your $150+ order to be part of the raffle, use the code but note you will not earn any of your own hostess benefits… you choose… it's up to you.}
I will then combine all orders that used the code and determine the level of hostess items. You will then get ALL the hostess rewards based on the total of all orders from all customers who "play" this week.
If the total reaches $500, I will draw TWO names to split the freebies ($40 each or more + 1 half-off item option each).
If everyone's orders combined reach $150 then the winner gets $25 in the product of your choice… $500 gets $80 split between 2 customers…. $700 gets $115 split by 2 … $900 gets $145 split by 2 (see page 200 of the main catalog).
ONE lucky customer will get all those hostess benefits via a raffle I will do on Saturday, March 23. I will post the winner's name/s on my blog atwww.StellarStamps.com. You will have one week (till March 30) to make your selections and I will place the freebies order no later than March 31. They'll ship to me then I ship to you. Items received no later than about April 15.
TO ORDER, CLICK ON THE WHITE ORDER BUTTON on the right column of this blog and you MUST use the HOSTESS CODE for your order to count towards the raffle. No code = no raffle entry.
Questions?? Ask! I love 'em. StellarStamps@comcast.net
So thanks again and I look forward to more crafty fun with you in 2013!
PS: March 22, the day Sale-A-Bration ends, is my 27th wedding anniversary…. I may be out that evening so order early if you can!
Nov 10, 2011 | Uncategorized |

I'm gonna keep this reallllllyyy simple. This is a NO RISK opportunity.
If you were planning on ordering a total of $175 in product over the course of, let's say, the next 6-12 months then it's well worth your while to just buy a kit.
Stampin' Up! must be out of its mind {in a good way!} but I'm glad that they are because they are doing something never before seen in my 9+ years as a demonstrator – they are adding a FREE Big Shot ($99 value) OR $100 in the product of your choice to both the Standard and the Digital Starter Kits which are already super customizable!
The kit is worth $345 but now it's worth $445 but is only $175 + tax (ships FREE). Do the math – super WOW!!!!
What are you required to do? Only one thing. Submit orders totaling $300 every quarter BUT the quarter you sign up in is waived soooo if you sign up this month, you do not have your first deadline until March 30! If you think you & your friends can submit a total of $300 in orders between now and March 30, why not?
And rather than 20% off your order, a new demonstrator gets a special 30% off her first $150+ order placed within 45 days. If you chose $300 in product and used that 30% off, you'd be paying about $210 AND you get all the hostess benefits for FREE on a $300 order and you're done through March 30 with the next deadline June 30. Yup, that's right… you not only pay less than $300 but you get free stuff too! I hesitate to use the term "no brainer" as that might come off rude but it's one of those head-scratchers when I wonder why more customers don't do it. It's a deal very much in your favor.
If you don't want to submit $300 in orders between now and March 30 then that's fine! You still keep the kit and you drop out a long time from now – May 1. Doesn't May seem like a long, long time from now to just try it with NO RISK?
This is one of those things that has no surprises or hidden agendas. It's a better deal for you than it is for me BUT why should I be having all the fun? You can too and it may be via a wish list of things you'd be buying anyway….
I'm here for questions.
If you want to join, it takes about 15 minutes. Check out the contents of the Starter Kits here:
Download US_start_kit_0911(1)
Download US_start_kit_0611_digital
To sign up right now, click on the Join Now button here: http://www.stampinup.net/esuite/home/stellarstamps/jointhefun